β’ Available in multi-languages.β’ Compatible on phones, tablets and glasses.β’ No advertising, quality = priority.Designed for heavy users, Savee is not a simple control panel to enable or disable WiFi, Bluetooth... it is an intelligent energy manager optimizer with advanced features!This application is the most effective battery saver that can double the battery life of any smartphone without affecting its performance. Once you installed it, you can forget it! It works automatically...Some main functions who can be personalized:β Night mode: switch off every network connections at specified time.β Clean applications memory consumption: speed up the phone.β Turn off WiFi when the screen turns off and during a call.β Active WiFi or mobile data on a specified time for to perform updates emails period, the weather ...β Display battery charging time.β Vibrate on touching: deactivate vibrate touching button.β Adjusting the power manually or automatically.β Complete diagnostic on the operating status of your device.β And more...Check out the complete list of features: http://www.saveeapp.com/en/user-manual.phpHow does it work?Savee provides real-time analyses the energy consumption and manages the optimization of your battery. It intelligently adjusts the power allocated to the device depending on its use and automates everyday tasks.For this, 4 modes are available:- Saver (more battery life)- Normal (middle consumption)- Powerful (more energy intensive)- Custom (to customize according to your needs)Up to you to choose the mode you want to use.Savee saves energy in 3 different ways:βΊ IMPROVED ENERGY STRATEGYAutomatic management of WiFi, Bluetooth, synchronization, night strategy, instant connections and much more.βΊ RELEASE MEMORYWith its different modes, it accelerates all applications by detecting and cleaning the excess of memory usage.βΊ POWER REGULATIONIt refines the power of the smartphone to suit your needs. Need root and depending of the phone model.These 3 major features greatly increase the battery life without changing your daily use habits.Accessible at all times!With a widget on the home screen, Savee offers different performance modes, can switch on or off features and shows the energy savings currently realized. In addition, with its memory management functionality, Savee lets you manage and optimize the phone for better stability.Independent and transparent!You donβt need to pay any attention to Savee to extend the battery life. Upon installation, Savee will automatically set the phone to consume less. You will then have the opportunity to take the time to customize it according to your needs by changing the settings of your choice.With Savee, be green and defend your juice without being a doctor.--Requested permissionsPictures: Savee will save the help file that contains pictures in the internal memory of the phone. Savee will not have access to your pictures/videos.Since the last Android Lollipop version, the mobile data cant be cut when the screen goes off, you will need to run your phone in root mode for that.--Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Savee/713444965343986Questions? Contact us:
[email protected] or visit our website: http://www.saveeapp.com- Optimized the battery saver technology.