This application is a barcode reader that can read every barcode in the world.Automatically discriminate and read in all bar codes around the world.The kind of the bar code to support is 13 kinds of the world most.When EAN was loaded, various search was made possible. Google, Bing, Yandex, Coc Coc.You can use lights in dark places.Main functionsWhen the reading content is URL, you can easily browse the site.When the reading content is a phone number, you can easily call.When the reading content is a mail address, you can send mail easily.When reading content was calendar information, you can easily add a schedule.When reading contents were latitude, longitude, a map is easily displayed.When reading content was contact information information, you can easily add it to an address book.It reads the following barcode formats:ăă»1D barcodes: EAN-13, EAN-8, UPC-A, UPC-E, Code-39, Code-93, Code-128, ITF, Codabarăă»2D barcodes: QR Code, Data Matrix, PDF-417, AZTECIt automatically parses QR Codes, Data Matrix, PDF-417, and Aztec values, for the following supported formats:ăă»URLăă»Contact information (VCARD, etc.)ăă»Calendar eventăă»Emailăă»Phoneăă»SMSăă»ISBNăă»WiFiăă»Geo-location (latitude and longitude)ăă»AAMVA driver license/ID