YouApp simplifies your life, in a single application you can view your Banco BPM current account and those you have at other banks. Thanks also to the suggestions of our customers, YouApp is your increasingly intuitive mobile banking app with an innovative design!ONE APP FOR ALL YOUR ACCOUNTSWith YouConnect you also connect your current accounts and payment cards from other banks to Banco BPM mobile banking for an aggregate view of your balance and movements.AUTHENTICATION WITH APP TOKENYouApp is the free Security Device that replaces the Physical Token. With the App Token you authorize access and Internet Banking operations, also generating OTP codes. And thanks to fingerprint and face recognition, you authorize banking operations with a single gesture.WE HELP YOU KEEP YOUR EXPENSES UNDER CONTROL!In the Expenses section you monitor the progress of the family budget. Discover features that help you save, for example:- Manage daily expenses and confirm recurring expenses and income based on your habits and have the forecast for the current and subsequent months- View bank transactions categorized by spending classes for faster and more relevant analysis- Limit your expenses and plan your savings as best as possible, setting a limit for each expense category- Monitor and predict monthly trends. In the Financial Summary you compare the performance of the current month with the previous 2 months- Save and plan your goals. Choose the monthly amount you want to save and well tell you how close you are to your goal and how much you can still spend without exceeding it- Find out which brands you are most fond of, thanks to the grouping by brandDIGITAL SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTS WITH YOUAPPAccess products and services in a simple, convenient and flexible way. With YouApp you can also talk to a consultant on the phone and via video call. In addition, you have a new section, where you view and sign the contracts digitally.DISCOVER ALL THE SERVICES THAT YOUAPP OFFERSIn the Home page you have an overview of your account balance, investments and financing. Furthermore, thanks to the payments button you can:- make ordinary or quick bank transfers in Italy or abroad, including for deductions;- top up your phone and prepaid cards;- insert simplified F24 tax payments and, if you have a PDF form, you can upload it and all the data is acquired automatically;- pay arrow, postal, MAV, RAV, CBILL-PagoPA bills directly from the app;- pay the car tax from the app.And, you can forget about manually entering the data but take advantage of your smartphones camera to acquire the order code or IBAN or use your voice to write the reason for payment.- Manage and configure your cards anywhere by checking payments made with credit, debit or prepaid cards. Furthermore, you can add your debit and prepaid cards to your GOOGLE PAY digital wallet so you can make payments directly from your smartphone;- Invest and seize all market opportunities by purchasing securities with online trading at any time. Furthermore, in the Funds & SICAV area, you will find the right solution for you among over 4,000 funds from the best management houses;- Find the Banco BPM branches closest to you. And make an appointment in branch and remotely with just a few clicks- Set up alerts and push notifications so you can always monitor your account expenses and the progress of your online investments.PRODUCT SHOWCASEDiscover the card thats right for you, calculate the mortgage installment and choose the ideal car. You can do it directly from the App!360° ASSISTANCENeed help? Speak to Narrator or ask Virtual Assistant to walk you through the feature youre looking for. You can call Customer Service directly, without entering access codes!ACCESSIBILITY