Baby Spoon is a very cool hip mom and dad, the easiest newborn baby record app for mom and dad.#[Recording is quick and easy]Havent the records for your child come to you as a burden?No more complicated records! Quickly and easily record your childs development, feeding, growth and sleep.#[Home screen one-click widget]Accessibility has been improved through the home screen widget.Decorate your home screen as a child with one-click records, daily records, album records, and album functions at a glance!#[We are Baby Crew Baby Crew]A parenting diary for the whole family with mom, dad, grandma, and even the babysitter!Co-parenting and management are possible with write/read settings.#[Statistics at a glance]From the average sleep time and intake of our child to the monthly percentile growth graph!Collect statistics on the growth process of your child, gradually accumulating from newborn.#[Childcare Guide]There is a saying that when a child is the first child, the parents are also the first.With a parenting guide, inoculation information, and a list of supplies, even new moms dont have to worry!Hero Parents Co.,
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