Great watch face, had a little problem at first would not Change colour solved it by reseting my phone (htc one m8) and my Sony smartwatch 3 then all was ok keep up the good work 😀
A48 WatchFace for Android Wear at Google Play market analyse
Estimation application downloads and cost
Great watch face, had a little problem at first would not Change colour solved it by reseting my phone (htc one m8) and my Sony smartwatch 3 then all was ok keep up the good work 😀
Some features do not work such as heart rate and wind speed and I can't say how accurate some of the features are...this needs more development.
This is a beautiful face, the only thing it's missing is a functional compass . The addition of a working compass would make it perfect. Would love to see that update.
The step is WAY OFF please fix then rating will be way better far so good!
Fine feature with improve-possible UI
I like this watch face. It has tons of detailed information displayed. Very useful! Great look!