AutoPoll 2 is a reporting application used in conjunction with our new Auto Data POS that conveniently displays sales metrics for your shops for today, yesterday, or week-to-date. Todays numbers are updated in five minute intervals and will automatically refresh when opening or resuming the app and can also be refreshed by a simple pull-to-refresh action on any screen.* Sales data available for today, yesterday, and week-to-date.* Year over year comparisons shown for oil changes, net sales, and ticket average.* Top Five stores shown on home screen for net sales, oil changes, and ticket average.* Preferred store for employee is displayed on the home screen.* Stores screen shows all stores with grand totals and can be filtered by district, region, and division if configured.* Store Details screen shows a full sales report similar to the report generated in the POS.* You control access to the app by giving your employees permission via the normal employee permissions.