Canot find mkv on dlna only mp4. And canot log in smb(samba) local network
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Canot find mkv on dlna only mp4. And canot log in smb(samba) local network
it keeps crashing...
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Little to no documentation how to successfully set it up. There should be a step-by-step instructional video by the manufacturer. After watching several YouTube videos finally figured out how to get this app to work and connect to my router. When I try to upload a PDF the app instantly crashes! Also I would like to see a thumbnail view of pictures that I upload! Thumbnails never consistently show up. If they do I would like to be able to make them larger to see the detail of the picture.
What even is this? It doesn't seem to do anything. I want to stream music like Pandora or sync files like Dropbox and this isn't rocket science but all these ASUS apps look like some kid's abandoned homework assignments. FAQs that don't say anything, help links that 404, stuff written in Chinglish, mostly tho just apps that don't seem to do anything. Disappointed in you, ASUS. If you don't want to do this stuff then don't do it. But don't pee on me and tell me it's raining, either.
Screw all these unappreciative haters would you have done here is nothing short of amazing thank you so much for your efforts and for the great work just because that noobs and don't know how to work with you provided them with isn't your fault you guys have made great stuff.
Instantly crashed.