ASOCHICHIQUITA makes available to its clients a simple and robust application from which they can carry out their online transactions in the cloud from anywhere in the world.A 24/7 office on your mobile devices where you can enjoy multiple benefits.It is very easy to use and allows you to use all these features:⢠Notifications⢠News⢠Consult Deductions.⢠Check balances and movements.⢠Consult Voluntary Contributions and Savings⢠Voluntary Savings Membership⢠Fee Change⢠Transfer and Withdrawal of Savings⢠Credit request⢠Updating Personal Information⢠Asebanacio Card and moreAmong a multitude of procedures from your mobile device.In order to use this application, log in with your self-management credentials provided by the association or company. If you dont have them yet, request them today.All queries made in this App are made through secure servers.