The Day of Arafat is one of the greatest days of God, on which trespasses are forgiven, and supplications are answered, and it is the day of perfecting the religion and completing blessings upon Muslims, and God made it as the prelude to the Day of Sacrifice.On this day, the supplication of Muslims abounds with hope and hope that it will be answered with the blessings of this great dayDownload the comprehensive application of supplications on the Day of ArafaA prayer on the day I made it known to myselfA prayer on the day he knew it for the parentsDoaa on the Day of Arafa for the childrenA supplication on the Day of Arafa to relieve anxietySupplications for forgiveness on the day of ArafahDuas of sustenance on the Day of ArafaDoaa on the Day of Arafa for MuslimsAnd other public supplications on the day he knew him.May Allah accept from Muslims and Muslims everywhere