Dear Colleagues,As Obstetricians and Gynecologists, we share the privilege of caring for women’s health and wellbeing from the cradle to the grave. Internationally, the Nordic Community within our speciality is unique, with cross-border opportunities for clinical and scientific cooperation in Innovation and Research.Accordingly, it is with great pride, that we invite all our Nordic colleagues to the 41st NFOG Congress, in Odense, Denmark in June 2018. We welcome you to a three-day programme, put together by the Scientific Committee, which encompasses the most Current Topics in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Young colleagues and old friends will have the opportunity to get together for networking and socialising.The Conference will have a particular focus on the current and continuing challenges in Global Health as it pertains to Women. We welcome Top Experts and Representatives from our Patient Associations and our Collaborative Partners from the Industry will be joining us.Come and enjoy the Science and Learning in an atmosphere of Social Interaction!Updated for NFOG 2018