AppClose - co-parenting app at Google Play market analyse

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AppClose - co-parenting app at Google Play market analyse

App power index: 100 (based on ranks around App Stores today)
Developer: AppClose, Inc
Price: 0 free
Current version: 3.0.359, last update: 5 days ago
First release : 30 May 2022
App size: Bytes
4.0 ( 0 ratings )

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> 2.2k
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~ $ 900
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AppClose® has been featured on: The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Yahoo Lifestyle, TechCrunch, Austin American-Statesman.nnТhe fu­ture of Co-Par­ent­ing tech­nol­o­gy. Ex­pe­ri­ence Ap­p­Close, the Co-Par­ent­ing App like nev­er be­fore - beau­ti­ful­ly re­de­fined to make co-par­ent­ing sim­pler and more seam­less. nnNow, co-par­ents, step­par­ents, fam­i­ly mem­bers, child­care providers, pro­fes­sion­als, and oth­er third par­ties – re­gard­less of whether or not they use the app – can com­mu­ni­cate and share in­for­ma­tion eas­i­ly from the con­ve­nience of any mo­bile de­vice. By or­ga­niz­ing pri­or­i­ties and oblig­a­tions into three dif­fer­ent cat­e­gories, we’ve made it even eas­i­er for you and the peo­ple in your cir­cle to com­mu­ni­cate, man­age tasks, share ap­point­ments and events, track ex­pens­es, and send & re­ceive mon­ey for re­im­burse­ment oblig­a­tions. nnWhy use Ap­p­Close?nn• NO MONTH­LY CHARGES or SUB­SCRIP­TION FEES! n• Our unique, mul­ti-func­tion­al cal­en­dars record and share events, ap­point­ments, ex­pens­es, and re­quests, & al­low you to com­mu­ni­cate by en­try with oth­er Ap­p­Close users in your cir­cle.. n• Send and re­ceive text mes­sages that can­not be al­tered or delet­ed.n• Group chat with mul­ti­ple peo­ple in your cir­cle. n• Save or share im­por­tant child-re­lat­ed in­for­ma­tion (al­ler­gies, spe­cial med­ica­tions, al­ter­na­tive child care op­tions, mea­sure­ments, school re­lat­ed in­for­ma­tion, etc.) with your co-par­ent or oth­er third par­ties.n• Add third par­ties to your cir­cle (i.e. grand­par­ents, step­par­ents, ad litems, at­tor­neys, men­tal health pro­fes­sion­als, etc.) to keep every­one on the same page. n• Use Ap­p­Close Solo when your co-par­ent doesn’t use the app, you are a sin­gle par­ent, or you want to share per­son­al or child-re­lat­ed in­for­ma­tion with non-Ap­p­Close users. n• Uti­liz­ing our par­ent­ing sched­ule tem­plates or cus­tomiz­ing your own makes sched­ule shar­ing easy.n• View par­ent­ing time per­cent­ages or your planned v. ac­tu­al par­ent­ing time us­ing our built-in par­ent­ing sched­ule sta­tistics track­er. n• Quick­ly send a pick-up, drop off, or swap days re­quest when the un­ex­pect­ed hap­pens.n• . Check-in. With this exclusively private and non-trackable feature, you can now keep accurate records of when you arrive or depart any location, such as picking up or dropping off kids at exchanges or anywhere else for that matter. n• Track ex­pens­es by cat­e­go­ry and scan and or­ga­nize re­ceipts eas­i­ly.n• Sub­mit re­im­burse­ment re­quests through our ex­pense track­er and keep records of any re­spons­es from the re­cip­i­ent (ap­proved, de­clined, or paid). n• Send and re­ceive mon­ey for re­im­burse­ment oblig­a­tions via ipay­ou®, our built-in pay­ment so­lu­tion.n• Cal­en­dar notes!nnEx­port­ing Records nnWith Ap­p­Close, ex­port­ing records is sim­ple and FREE! Whether you need records for per­son­al use or for lit­i­ga­tion pur­pos­es, you can eas­i­ly ex­port the fol­low­ing records as need­ed:nn• Un­al­tered text mes­sages (on-on-one or group chat mes­sages)n• Ex­pense recordsn• Re­im­burse­ment re­quest and re­sponse records n• Pick up, drop off, or swap days re­quest and re­sponse recordsn• Ap­p­Close Solo re­quests and eventsnnWhat is Ap­p­Close Solo? nnAp­p­Close Solo is a unique and ex­clu­sive fea­ture only avail­able to Ap­p­Close users, al­low­ing you to send re­quests and events to non-con­nect­ed co-par­ents, third par­ties, or oth­er fam­i­ly mem­bers via text, email, or so­cial me­dia. You can even at­tach re­ceipts or doc­u­ments and ex­port and print any records you might need for FREE with con­tin­ued ac­cess to all of the oth­er ben­e­fits of Ap­p­Close.nnWe owe our safety to the brave men and women who serve in our military. AppClose can provide military families with a way to stay connected, share information and keep everyone involved without the burden of another expense.

I have never had a problem with this app I always get the notification on time. My ex complains about not getting messages sometime but I'm 100% sure that him and many people here posting bad reviews are that kind of co-parent that choose to ignore messages and not open them or read them in the inbox before opening the message just to avoid communication or any type of accountability.


App cannot customize repeat dates in calendar. My work repeats every 4 weeks, not every month. Since this is the reason for me needing a co parenting app. One star.

To use the app itself seems brilliant easy to navigate and use. I don't get notifications at all nothing. Constantly having to check the app. I've tried every setting uninstall re install everything. Pixel 6 pro phone and every other app works perfectly fine apart from the notifications for this one unfortunately

court ordered

Third party won't Merge with the co-parent schedule. It says there is a problem. How do we fix this? Also I am not getting notified when I get messages. Fix this problem please.

Chat been disabled and cannot get it to work now

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