Recent large reviews and meta-analyzes with more than half a million participants endorse physical exercise and physical therapy as part of the non-pharmacological treatment of Parkinsons disease. The Parkinson Madrid Association offers you this app to carry out your rehabilitation at home through online therapies.We propose different formats:Personalized tele-rehabilitation with a therapist specialized in Parkinsons disease in psychology, physical therapy, speech therapy, etc. It is a live individual rehabilitation session tailored to each person. Once the therapy has been chosen, the user will be able to choose the date and time that best suits him to perform it. Introductory offer: the first session of each therapy is FREE.Whether you are affected by Parkinsons disease, whether it is a recent diagnosis or in a more advanced phase, our tele-rehabilitation service is designed for you because we adapt to your needs.Also, if you are a caregiver or relative of a person affected by Parkinsons, you will access therapies aimed at caregivers and relatives of people affected by Parkinsons.Group rehabilitation: physiotherapy and speech therapy sessions established for a day or two a week in very small groups with a homogeneous involvement of Parkinsons disease. In each session, both the therapist and the assistants will see each other from their device in order to promote the correct performance of the exercises.Discover a new telemedicine model specialized in Parkinsons disease, you will have continuous treatment and monitoring by your physiotherapist, speech therapist, psychologist and other therapists who will work to improve your day-to-day life. Stand up to Parkinsons!This App has been made by the Parkinson Madrid Association. We are an entity declared of Public Utility that was born in 1994 and that has the ISO 9001 quality management system, in order to fully serve people with Parkinsons disease and their closest environment. The entity, made up of nearly 2,000 partners, 180 volunteers and 55 workers, focuses its efforts on the needs of each patient in a comprehensive way through information, social and health care, psychological guidance, rehabilitation (physiotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, cognitive stimulation, music therapy, Tai Chi, Pilates), training, self-help groups and leisure activities. A year, 35,000 therapies are taught in Madrid.