The artist was born in the province of Milan in 1992 and is inspired by modern figurative currents and by abstractionism and surrealism to create his imaginary protagonists and landscapes. All art can be an important instrument of inner growth and its works a personal message and help for the public who, through the image, has the possibility of elaborating some of the main themes of the spiritual path of the human being. The intent is to leave ample room for imagination of the interlocutor who observes the artistic work through "a key" to open the doors of the spectators subconscious and accompany him to descend deeply towards self-knowledge. The works "The golden planet", "The dream of the island ”, “The path” are part of a study by the artist on the literal and metaphorical representation of the places where the mind of the human being is cradled, dreaming of the possible and the impossible, to motivate oneself in achieving ones goals, but also to estrange yourself from the present moment and enter the hidden places of the mind. The new colorful concept entitled "Rainbow revolution series" is a series of rainbow-colored works that the artist uses to express the colors of his own essence and more generally of the human essence . The works in this series are abstract and inspired by the theme of social life and the complex society in which we live today.