I was born in Reggio Calabria on June 15, 1994, at the turn of a lazy Wednesday afternoon. The bells of the Church of the Madonna Santissima del Carmelo are ringing, to which my mother is devoted; hence my name: Maria. I stole my parents profession, my brothers the care with which they have seen me grow, and make mistakes, over the years. I am a Doctor in Specialist Training; persevering, ironic, almost as light as resistant. I am the petal of a flower, prey to the wind that disturbs it, sometimes a hurricane myself, capable of shaking myself and escaping the stem that supports me. Then, once the storm is over, I settle down on the wet asphalt to enjoy my own rainbow. Im a petal, its true: fragile, offended, often attacked... And yet, have you ever seen one break just because it was raining outside?