Isabella Bambino, or Isa, was born in September 1973 in Marino, in the Castelli Romani. Since she was a child she explored the possible forms of art and creativity also thanks to the stimuli received in her family. Mirella, her mother, is a painter, Roberto, the father, is passionate about art and literature and Fabrizio, the brother, will become a goldsmith craftsman. Driven by an inner voice, already at school age she cannot help but write. She first ventures stories and then lets herself go to poetry, a tool that allows her to translate images, or visions, into words. Her relationship with writing is intimate and private until, in adulthood and for professional reasons, she is asked to document some experiences of the Day Center for children with serious disabilities, in which she works as a Professional Educator. The challenge is to grasp, and bring to light, the language and communication of those who dont want to, cant or dont know how to express themselves as most are used to doing. This is perhaps the moment in which he authentically focuses his passion and decides to listen to it. In recent years, also thanks to the exceptional nature of the pandemic, he decides to devote himself fully to his personal growth. More and more he finds a connection between the symbols, allegories and analogies present in nature, and in the relationship with the other, and the "journey" that everyone is called to make within himself. Attention to detail, in images and words, is his vehicle of research and manifestation. In his flow between words, he understands that these can be a medium between worlds, that they can tell the stories of many and, thanks to this new awareness, chooses to place them at the service of those who feel called by them.