Maria Stella Valentini, from Foggia, born in 1979, obtained her classical high school diploma at the Liceo Classico V. Lanza in Foggia and continued her university studies in Bari, where she graduated with honors in Literature in 2002 with a thesis on the Palace of Versailles. work in Florence in 2003, where he won the competition for access to the three-year School of Specialization in Art History at the University of the Tuscan capital, brilliantly concluding his career after three years with a thesis on Munchs graphics, published in 2011. He attended a course as curator of exhibitions at the Artedata school. In 2015, he also qualified at the University of Florence to teach for the secondary school, passing the following year the competition for the chair as a teacher of Italian literature and History. She deeply loves her work as a teacher, to which she dedicates herself with passion and dedication, a convinced supporter of the incomparable educational and educational value of a school founded on knowledge, culture, the desire to learn, the sense of belonging to a community, respect for otherness. He has occasionally collaborated with some online sites and specialist magazines for the drafting of some articles on literature, art, music, theatre. He dedicates himself to writing poems and stories, within which he transfuses glimpses of his experience, emotions and reflections.