ENGLISH:Aurora Stefania DAmico, born in Sicily, in Taormina, on January 6, 2002 and lived in a small village on the slopes of Etna. Graduated from the Liceo Artistico “R. Guttuso” in Giarre and passionate about photography, music and oriental cultures. Outwardly she might seem shy and introverted, but she is a sunny, friendly and sociable person. She loves to capture the beauty of life in her photos, even in its smallest details and for this reason she dreams of a future as a professional photographer, with the aim of showing everyone what she sees through her eyes. She has to thank her parents and her younger sister for the support, love and strength they give her every day to make my dream come true. She also thanks the Dantebus editorial staff for having given her the opportunity to start this dream of hers by exhibiting and publishing one of her photographs in a book.ENGLISH: Aurora Stefania DAmico, born in Sicily, in Taormina, January 6, 2002 and grew up in a village on the slopes of volcano Etna. Graduated in the Liceo Artistico "R. Guttuso" in Giarre and she loves photography, music and oriental cultures. She may seem shy and introverted, but she is a cheerful, friendly and sociable person. She loves to capture the beauty of life in her photos, even in its smallest details and for this reason she dreams to became a professional photographer, with the aim of showing everyone what she sees through her eyes.. She is thankful to her parents and her younger sister for the support, love and strength they give her every day to make reach her dream. Thank you, also, to Dantebus staff for giving her the opportunity to begin her career, exposing and publishing a photograph taken by her in a book