Francesca Marini lives in Jesi (in the province of Ancona), where she was born on 03/09/1970. Graduated in Modern Literature in 1996 at the University of Perugia, she obtained the title for teaching support at primary school, attending a two-year specialization course organized by the "Lega del Filo dOro" of Osimo (AN ). She taught for eight years at the primary school of Chiaravalle (AN) as a support teacher, human and professional experience fundamental for her. Today he teaches Italian and History at the “G. Galilei” in Jesi, where he also plays the role of tutor, thus also dealing with emotional-relational problems of the students. Passionate about poetry, she began writing poetic texts in 2021, in which the landscape is often charged with an evocative capacity that becomes an opportunity for reflection on Man and his work, on the values of Good and Love, Altruism and of Empathy, so difficult to find in this world, but which, according to the author, Poetry must constantly reaffirm delicately but, at the same time, with determination. The author often identifies the evocative and saving capacity of Poetry with the musicality of the text and the profound suggestion of poetic images. But, as the ideals of Peace, Good and Love are expressed with sweetness and musicality, so the misdeeds, cruelty and horrors of contemporary man are translated into verses of open, harsh and harsh criticism. Poetry is experienced by the author as an Art that aims to evoke deep emotions and to educate feelings by directing them towards Love, always having the Good of the World and Humanity as its final goal. In March 2022, the author published some of her poems for the first time in volume n. 20 of the Poetic Collection "The Poets of Via Margutta", published by Dantebus. Married, she has two children, Eleonora and Giacomo (born respectively in 2008 and 2013), to whom she dedicated the poem "Il Cerchio del Bene".