Imagine this: Halloween is nearing once again, and once again you have waited to plan out a costume. While all of your friends and family members simply pull out costumes that they ordered or purchased weeks ago, youâre left to pull together an epic costume the night of All Hallows Eve. If that happens to be your situation this year, not to worry. There are tons of ways to create a last-minute costume that doesnât involve an unsuccessful run to your nearest Walmart. And if you are really short on time, you can always let your makeup do all of the hard work for you.We know what youâre thinking: âI am not a makeup artist.â But makeup doesnât have to be hard. In fact, the Halloween makeup ideas weve gathered here are easiest enough for even beginners to pull them off. Whether you and your best friend are hoping to elevate your duo costume to create a standout look, or youre in need of a work-appropriate costume that wonât require you to alter your uniform too much, well executed Halloween makeup will give your costume the extra flair it needs.Even if you are a makeup novice or even just a beginner, a lot of the looks on this list can be recreated with the help of a tutorial. So pull out your best eyeshadow pallets and break out the face paint and fake blood, and get to work.