This personal data explorer app enables you to bring together your personal data from social media, fitness, health, finance, and more. This is a great way to see what information is available to share with other people, apps, and services.In-app features include:⢠Instant access - see your older content 1000x faster than on the original service. Always available.⢠Search - search across all data sources by date and time, by source, and by person.⢠Personal insights - find your top spends, top fitness stats and much more. Using the Private Sharing Platform, you can connect:# Finance and Banking⢠Thousands of banks worldwide# Fitness and Wellbeing⢠Fitbit⢠Garmin⢠Google Fit# Medical Records⢠UK GP Records (covering over 50% of the country)⢠US Hospitals (over 200)# Social Media, Entertainment and Interests⢠Facebook⢠Flickr⢠Instagram⢠Spotify⢠Twitter⢠YouTube Is your preferred source not listed here? Just shake your device (when is open) and let us know.# Sharing your personal data with othersThe private sharing platform also gives you the ability to share your personal data with apps and companies. Each app provides a unique way for you to get value from your data, like convenience, insights, personalisation and offers.Key Facts:⢠You control who you share your data with.⢠The data sharing is a private, secure transaction between you and the third party.⢠You can see who, what, how and where the third party will use your data.⢠At any time you can revoke access to your data.⢠Our service uses military-grade security to protect your data.⢠All integration partners are advised on the best ways to manage your data and work with you for mutual benefit.Find out how to integrate your app or service by visiting