Simply taxi Revolution, the most complete 2 in 1 application on the market!Clients :Order in a few clicks wherever you are and follow the progress of your trip and the arrival of your taxi in real time. No more unpleasant surprises, confirmation SMS for each stage of your race!Taxi groups (GIE) and soon the independents:The revolution in the way you work and guaranteed customer satisfaction. Take the turn of digitalization thanks among other things to "push to talk" functionalities, facilitated management and remote transmission of your medical races, invoicing of your customers on account, intelligent and tailor-made dispatch while respecting the legislation in force (ADS) races, and much more to discover.Every month, many drivers join the adventure ... so why not you?To organize a FREE test within your GIE and realize the power of Simply Taxi Revolution, do not hesitate to contact our sales team on +33 6 68 56 78 25 or +33 6 79 99 48 42.Have a nice trip to Simply Revolution !!