【永豐行動銀行APP】遵循經濟部工業局「行動應用App基本資安規範」,獲頒行動應用資安聯盟資安標章(MAS標章)。為了讓您隨時隨地享受行動金融所帶來的便利性,永豐銀行提供多元的查詢與交易功能,只要輕點手機,帳戶查詢、轉帳繳款、永豐ibrAin、隨心所預。特色功能:【快速登入,輕鬆使用】● 生物辨識:支援Touch ID/Face ID快速登入,省時又便利。● 圖形密碼:手指一滑就登入,還可以隱藏軌跡,再也不用記密碼。【創新服務,優質體驗】● 語音指令:將複雜操作轉化為簡單語音指令,行動金融服務用「說」的真容易。● 功能搜尋:關鍵字搜尋幫助您更快速的尋找服務,節省時間好方便。● 常用功能:讓您自行加入最常使用的功能,查詢/交易更快速。● 帳號分享:將您的銀行帳號變成QR Code,轉帳收款更便利。● 友善服務:落實公共資訊無障礙,提供您友善金融無障礙服務,使用更貼心。【智能永豐,化繁為簡】● 永豐ibrAin:利用AI演算法提供動態投資組合,讓您穩健地朝理財目標邁進。● 智慧客服:客服一點通提供24小時金融諮詢服務,滿足即時的金融服務需求。【數位優惠,大戶獨享】● 數位帳戶:全新推出數位帳戶「大戶DAWHO」專區,滿滿DA優惠等著您來體驗。【生活繳費,輕鬆搞定】● 行動繳費:水電瓦斯/電信費/停車費等3,000多項繳費項目,隨手繳,不漏付。【行動預約,虛實整合】● 分行預約:提供無卡提款、預約外幣現鈔,以及預約分行取號填單服務等各項虛實整合功能,節省您寶貴的時間。【推播訊息,一手掌握】● 自訂推播:自行選擇需要推播的訊息與時間,重要消息不漏接。歡迎下載「永豐行動銀行」,更多的貼心服務,等著您來發現。另外本行也提供行動裝置瀏覽器專用的行動銀行網頁版「https://m.sinopac.com」 ,提供您選擇使用。為了優化本行服務,本應用程式使用「Cookies」改善使用者體驗。當您安裝使用本應用程式即表示您同意Cookies政策與隱私權政策。更多資訊請參閱(https://bank.sinopac.com/sinopacBT/footer/privacy-statement.html)提醒您,為確保您的交易安全,請勿安裝非官方授權網站或未知來源的永豐行動銀行APP,建議您可於行動裝置安裝防護軟體,並更新至作業系統Android 5(含)以上版本,以提高使用安全性。為保障客戶的帳戶安全及避免資料外洩風險,建議您不要安裝破解系統、外掛加速器等相關軟體,或是於「模擬器/雙開軟體」中執行永豐行動銀行 APP。若您使用相關軟體,可能會出現閃退或無法開啟情形。【雙開軟體】舉例如下:1.「華為手機內建多使用者模式」:建議回到擁有者身分再操作2.「三星手機內建安全資料夾」:建議先將APP移出該資料夾再操作【破解系統、外掛加速器軟體】舉例如下:1. GameGuardian2. Lucky Patcher(幸運破解器)[Wing Fung Mobile Bank APP] Following the "Basic Information Security Standards for Mobile Application App" of the Industrial Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, it was awarded the Mobile Application Information Security Alliance Information Security Mark (MAS Mark).In order to let you enjoy the convenience brought by mobile finance anytime and anywhere, SinoPac Bank provides a variety of query and transaction functions. Just tap your mobile phone, account inquiries, transfer payments, and SinoPac ibrAin, as you wish.Special feature:[Quick login, easy to use]● Biometrics: Support Touch ID/Face ID quick login, saving time and convenience.● Graphical password: You can log in with a swipe of your finger, you can also hide the track, and no longer need to remember the password.[Innovative service, high-quality experience]● Voice commands: Convert complex operations into simple voice commands. It is really easy to "speak" for mobile financial services.● Function search: keyword search helps you find services more quickly, saving time and convenience.● Commonly used functions: Allow you to add the most frequently used functions by yourself, making queries/transactions faster.● Account sharing: Turn your bank account into a QR Code, making it easier to transfer funds and collect money.● Friendly service: Implement accessibility of public information, provide you with friendly financial accessibility services, and use it more intimately.[Smart Yongfeng, turning complex into simple]● Yongfeng ibrAin: Use AI algorithm to provide a dynamic investment portfolio, allowing you to move steadily towards your financial goals.● Smart customer service: Customer service Yidian provides 24-hour financial consulting services to meet immediate financial service needs.[Digital discount, exclusive to large households]● Digital account: The newly launched digital account "DAWHO" area, full of DA discounts are waiting for you to experience.【Life payment, easy to get】● Mobile payment: more than 3,000 payment items such as water, electricity, gas/telecommunications fees/parking fees, etc., are paid at hand without missed payment.【Mobile Appointment, Integration of Virtual and Reality】● Branch appointment: Provides various virtual and real integration functions, such as cardless withdrawal, appointment of foreign currency cash, and appointment of branch number and form filling services, saving you valuable time.[Push and broadcast messages, master it with one hand]● Customized push: choose the message and time to push, and important messages are not missed.Welcome to download "Wing Fung Mobile Bank", more intimate services are waiting for you to discover.In addition, the Bank also provides a mobile banking web version "https://m.sinopac.com" dedicated to the browser of mobile devices for you to choose to use.In order to optimize our services, this application uses "Cookies" to improve user experience. When you install and use this application, you agree to the Cookies Policy and Privacy Policy. For more information, please refer to (https://bank.sinopac.com/sinopacBT/footer/privacy-statement.html)Remind you that to ensure the security of your transactions, please do not install unofficially authorized websites or the Banking Mobile App from unknown sources. It is recommended that you install protection software on your mobile device and update it to the operating system Android 5 (inclusive) or above. In order to improve the safety of use.In order to protect the customers account security and avoid the risk of data leakage, it is recommended that you do not install related software such as cracking systems, plug-in accelerators, or run the Banking Mobile APP in the "emulator/dual-opening software". If you use related software, it may crash or fail to open.[Double open software] Examples are as follows:1. "Huawei mobile phone built-in multi-user mode": It is recommended to return to the owner status and then operate2. "Samsung mobile phone built-in security folder": It is recommended to move the APP out of this folder before operating[Cracking system, plug-in accelerator software] Examples are as follows:1. GameGuardian2. Lucky Patcher (lucky patcher)為提供您更豐富的金融服務與提升操作體驗,提供最新行動銀行版本,優化並新增功能:-【分享轉帳結果與交易明細更便利】轉帳結果頁與交易明細頁新增截圖功能,只要點擊「擷取畫面」按鈕,即可一鍵留存轉帳結果與交易明細到手機唷!-【跨行入帳通知】提供跨行轉帳推播提醒通知,訊息不漏接。-【功能優化】工程師們抓了些臭蟲、清了些蜘蛛網,持續提高APP穩定性。