Connect anytime with our free* all-in-one communication app, which includes unlimited group video chat, video calls, voice calls, and text messages.CALLS AND MESSAGES BETWEEN APPSConnect with your Instagram friends directly from LatinTuanis Messenger. Search for them by their name or username to send them a message or call them.PRIVACY SETTINGSNew privacy settings let you choose who can contact you and where messages are delivered.CUSTOM REACTIONSWords are not enough for you? You can customize your reactions with many more emojis to choose from.CHAT TOPICSSelect one of the fun themes and colors, like Tie dye or Love, to personalize your chats.SEE TOGETHERWatch videos, TV shows and movies with your friends in LatinTuanis Messenger rooms and video chat when you cant meet them. Capture every moment and every reaction in real time.FREE VIDEO CALLS* TO KEEP IN TOUCHStay close to your friends and family with unlimited live video chat. Host group video calls with up to eight people, with high-quality audio, HD video, and interactive video features like skins.FREE* AND UNLIMITED PHONE CALLS AND TEXTSYou no longer need to exchange phone numbers. Just send a message to your Facebook friends, wherever they are. Make high-quality voice calls and send text messages on cell phones, tablets, and computers.DIM LIGHTING WITH DARK MODEGive your eyes a rest with this new design that darkens the colors of the chat interface.RECORD AND SEND VOICE AND VIDEO MESSAGESWhen a text isnt enough, just record what you want to say and send it. Say it, sing it, show it or shout it out loud.EXPRESS YOURSELF WITH STICKERS, GIFS AND EMOJISUse custom stickers to show your creative side. You can even add effects and filters to video calls.SEND FILES, PHOTOS AND VIDEOSThere is no limit to the number of files you can share with your friends.PLAN AND CONCRETEMake plans to meet with surveys and many more options. With just a few taps, suggest a meeting point or share your location so your friends know where you are.SEND MONEY EASILY AND SECURELY (within the US only)To easily and securely send and receive money directly in the app, add your debit card, PayPal account, or reloadable prepaid card (only single-source cards can be used to send money).CHAT WITH COMPANIESConnect with your favorite companies easily to make reservations, access customer service, find deals and much more.COMPATIBLE WITH VARIOUS PLATFORMSChat with friends on different devices, such as computers, Portal and others.Privacy Policy: MORE about LatinTuanis Messenger group texting and video chats here:* Data charges apply