10/21/2018 Thanks to developer for the recent fix to accommodate the internal WorkFlowy change. I missed being able to use this. Periodically stops working and loses notes because it's not the same developer as WorkFlowy, but it's still better than WorkFlowy's app for taking notes on the go. Also sometimes can only be fixed by clearing app data and logging back in. Happens every month or two with no warning, just lost notes. It's been a problem for a long time but they do not fix it. 3/1/18 Lost notes again. "There is text that has not yet written to WorkFlowy". 7/31/2018 It happened again. It happened a few times since 3/1/18. It's every month or two. To troubleshoot YOU HAVE TO go to app info and clear all data for BOTH MemoFlowy and HandyFlowy and then log back into both of them. You can't uninstall/reinstall because that retains the data. Once you can log back in, still can't send a note with MemoFlory to WorkFlowy. If you get it working it will stop working and you will lose notes.