Did you love this restaurant? this shop? or this hotel?With ChapānGo, register your best addresses and share them with your friends:ā¢ Register all your best addresses in your notebook Chapāā¢ See your places on the mapā¢ Share your good deals with your friendsā¢ And find your friendsā best addresses on the Chapās news feedTo use ChapānGo, you just need to:ā¢ Download the appā¢ Create an account for free in a few seconds with your phone numberā¢ Use the appā and its thousands of worlwide addresses gathered by your friends and you!And donāt forget Chapper, the appā is available in English, Spanish and French! We are always glad to have your recommendations, your feedbacks and your craziest ideas. So donāt hold back and contact us:Email :
[email protected] : https://www.facebook.com/app.chapngo/ Good addresses are too rare to be forgotten