andanCalc PRO. Simple desk calculator or Scientific/Algebraic/Fraction. Two calculators in one. Ideal for everyday, office, school, technical and scientific studies. It works like fx 82, fx 260 calculators.Choose what you prefer for each moment STANDARD CALCULATORSimple calculator with the same functionality as a classical desk calculator- Square root- Memory- k feature- Percent Calculation: add, subtract, mark-up/mark-down, % of increase, % against.SCIENTIFIC / ALGEBRAIC / FRACTION CALCULATOR- Square/cube/xth root -Memory- k feature- Parenthesis- Exponents- Pi- Percent Calculations: add, subtract, % against, % of increase, - Log, In, Inverse Log, ExponentialFractions:- Fraction<>Decimal, Decimal<>Fraction- Improper Fraction<>Mixed Number- SimplificationTrigonometry:- Sin, Cos, Tan, & Inverse- Hyperbolic Functions- Converts between DEG, RAD, GRADStatistics:- Mean, Sum, Sum of squares, # Elements- Standard Deviation (sample or population)Additional Math Functions - DMS<>DD Conversions- Polar<>Rectangular Conversions- nPr, cPr, x!- Random Number Generator- Scientific NotationNOTE: Read the help for additional informationCOMMON FEATURES- Back key- Portrait or landscape layout- Copy to clipboard feature- Dark or clear background available- Icon widget- MultiWindow for Samsung devices (where available)2.2- Android 7.0 compatible- New configurable font- New configurable button background- No more annoying-rate-reminder after rate2.1- New name- Minor bugs fixed