The AGORA Trader platform gives you mobile access to shares, options, foreign exchange, futures, CFDs, ETFs, raw materials and bonds at more than 100 stock exchanges around the globe. The AGORA Trader not only supports real-time data, but also charts and allows you to place your orders immediately. The AGORA Trader uses the latest routing technology for orders and looks for the best available price at the time when the order is placed and forwards the order dynamically to the best stock exchange to complete the order in the best possible way. Regardless of where you are located, you can also monitor all trades and you have immediate access to your portfolio and account balances.Added support for Australian Security Exchange (ASX) futures products which trade on YTM basis rather than currency price.
Fab144 Channel
2 years ago
Cant even login
Patrick Stalmach
2 years ago
Tolle app, sehr übersichtlich alle Kurse im Blick.