The B-DOC Insurance Contract Management Mobile Assistant Application is an integrated contract management and communication program designed to enable users to manage and manage their insurance matters conveniently on a common platform. To use the application, customers must be in contact with, or newly contact, an insurance brokerage company that ensures the availability and usability of the program for its own customers.The use of the B-DOC application is free of charge for end-user customers. The fee for the development and operation is financed by the insurance brokerage company that makes the service available to its customers.One of the great advantages of the system is that users can see their contracts with different insurance companies on a common interface and can deal with them easily and quickly through a digital channel. It provides two-way communication between the client and the insurance agency, so that the most important and latest information always reaches the client. Topics relevant to customers can be responded to with just a few clicks. Claims initiated by the client are proven to arrive in the system of insurance brokers, which speeds up and simplifies administration. In the event of a damage incident, the damage can be reported through the application and, optionally, claims management can also be requested.You can view all your previously concluded insurances on one common screen. If you also want to manage the contracts of your family members or businesses here, you can also set these contracts to appear in the application.Your newly concluded contracts are automatically entered into the B-DOC system, so you do not need to sign multi-page forms and store them on paper. You can view these at any time in the B-DOC repository.If you have contracts that you did not conclude with the insurance broker from whom you received the opportunity to use the application, you can record these contracts by entering some identification data and request a more favorable offer from your insurance broker.In addition to live contracts, you can also view previously concluded but terminated contracts on the interface.The detailed data of the contracts selected from the list of concluded insurances, as well as the documents related to the contract, can be viewed. With the press of a single button, you can initiate the cancellation or modification of the existing contract, and you can also request a more favorable offer from the service partner.The B-DOC system ensures that all your insurance contracts are visible on a common interface, even if they are managed by several insurance brokerage companies.In such a case, the client can choose which of the existing service partners he wants to deal with, and can even transfer his contracts to the insurance brokerage company from which he receives the best service, and therefore wishes to cooperate with him in the longer term.In the messages menu item, you can view all previously sent outgoing and incoming messages, and you can send a new message to your service partner.