All special equipment and trucks on the map of your city. Current orders for freight forwarding and rental of special vehiclesA massive database of performers and direct phone numbers of equipment ownersFind nearby equipment to save on shipping costsTerms of Use- For customers, the application is completely free.- Owners of vehicles require payment for their ads.Functionality for shippers and customers of special equipment:- Search for the nearest machinery by location;- Search for associated freight transport;- search for incidental passenger transport;- Place an order to find a contractor.Features for freight forwarders and owners of special vehicles:- registration of a carrier/transport company/private person;- search for cargo and orders by location;- Free notifications on your phone about new loads and orders;- direct customer contacts without intermediaries;- cargo and transport search;- calculation of the distance of the route.CONTACT THE OWNERS OF ANY SPECIAL EQUIPMENT AND FREIGHT TRANSPORTIf you need to urgently call a wrecker, rent an elevator, order a gazelle or a freight cab then in our application you will find numerous performers. They will move furniture, help you with apartment or office moving in Moscow and other cities. Available truck transport of any tonnage: you can order a truck or find performers for trucking on the gazelle. Our application will be useful if you need:- rent special equipment- find a passing passenger transport- arrange a house move- order a gazelle for an hour or a longer period- urgently call for a tow truck- freight forwarding- haulage- arrange office move- hitch a ride- move furniture- find a transport company- rent a truck crane- arrange trucking in Moscow and other cities- order crushed stone or other building materials- rent a bulldozer- rent a bus- pump out a septic tank- book a truck- move a piano- organize a summer house moveSAVE MONEY BY GETTING MULTIPLE OFFERS FROM PERFORMERSYou can either contact the owner of the equipment directly or create an order for cargo transportation or rental of special equipment. In this case, you will get many offers and will be able to choose the best performer based on feedback and the proposed cost.CURRENT ORDERS FOR RENTAL OF SPECIAL EQUIPMENT AND CARGO SEARCHYou can find orders for rental of machinery and passenger transportation, cargo for transportation and associated cargo. Monthly our service publishes more than 15 000 orders to rent special vehicles and freight transport, so if you own a truck, loader, crane, excavator, or other special equipment then you can always find the load or order to rent equipment quickly and without intermediaries.Quality and prompt execution of orders, courteous communication with customers, and you will always be able to find a load or order to rent equipment.NEW ORDER NOTIFICATIONSTurn on notifications and youll instantly know about new orders. Flexible settings allow you to receive only the notifications that are relevant to you in the city you want. CONTACTING BACKWed love to hear about your ideas and suggestions. If you have any difficulties or questions, please email us at
[email protected] or call us toll-free at 8 (800) 707-23-27