This application allows you to capture your cars ODO reading, Cost per liter and liters used every time you fill up the tank.Features:ā¢ Capture trip ODO Reading, Cost Per Liter and Liters Usedā¢ View, update and delete tripsā¢ View total money spend,km driven and fuel consumedā¢ View average KM per Liter and average Cost Per KM drivenā¢ Calculate average KM per Liter and Cost Per KM without capturing trip.The application uses a full tank algorithm to calculate your average km per liter and cost per km. It is designed to be very easy and quick to use with no unnecessary data entry needed.The data gets stored locally on your device so the application is able to function without an internet connection and there is no unnecessary registrations needed.Upcoming Features:ā¢ Export trips to .csvā¢ View graph with moving averageā¢ Capture all slips and export as pdfā¢ Add multiple cars