This Android application is Does Adultery Cause Intimacy - Nur Azizah Pulungan Lc. In PDF format.Meaning of Mahrams1. LanguageThe term mahram comes from the meaning of haram, the opposite of the word halal. It means something that is forbidden and should not be done.In the Al-Mujam Al-Wasith dictionary it is stated that al-mahram is dzul-hurmah (Ðæ ÇáÍÑãÉ ), namely women who are forbidden to marry.2. TermMeanwhile, in terminology among fiqh scholars, the word mahram is defined as:Women who are forbidden to marry permanently, either because of relatives, breastfeeding or benevolence.We need to look again at the difference between mahram and muhrim sentences. In everyday life, many people often call the word mahram the same meaning as muhrim. Muhrim in Arabic ( - ÅÍÑÇãÇ ÃóÍÑã – íÍÑã ) means a person who is doing ihram (hajj or umrah) worship.3. Mahrams argumentAl-Quranul Kariem has mentioned some of the women who are forbidden to marry, including:Forbidden to you (to marry) your mothers; your daughters; your sisters, your fathers sisters; your mothers sisters; the daughters of your brothers; the daughters of your sisters; your mothers who breastfeed you; suckling sister; your wifes mothers (in-law); your wifes children who are in your care from the wife you have mixed with, but if you have not mixed with your wife (and have divorced), then you are not sinful to marry her; (and forbidden to you) the wives of your biological children (in-law); and bringing together (in marriage) two women who are sisters, except what has happened in the past; verily Allah is Forgiving, Most Merciful.Hopefully this application can be useful and become a loyal friend in the learning process at any time without having to go online.Please provide a 5 star review or rating to encourage us to create and develop other useful applications.Thank You.Happy reading.Disclaimer :All content in this application is not our trademark. We only get content from search engines and websites. The copyright of all content in this application is fully owned by the creator concerned. We aim to share knowledge and make learning easier for readers with this application, so there is no download feature in this application. If you are the copyright holder of the content files contained in this application and do not like your content being displayed, please contact us via the email developer and tell us about your ownership status for the content.