AnswerBook reshebnik (crib) -on VB .NET language programming, is designed to develop basic programming skills within the framework of "Informatics" discipline "of the PLO." Book of problems focuses on the development and implementation of software solutions jobs with increasing complexity of the algorithm within the group assignments and problem book as a whole.Reshebnik created using materials freely available educational programming system Programming Taskbook (M.E.Abramyan Programming Taskbook. The electronic book of problems in programming. Version 4.6 Rostov-on-Don 2007).Reshebnik contains 230 learning activities c solutions covering the main sections of the basic programming course.Reshebnik comprises the following study tasks groups (in parentheses indicate the number of tasks for each group):• Begin - input and output, an assignment operator (40)• Integer - whole numbers (30)• Boolean - Boolean expressions (40)• If - conditional statement (30)• Case - choice of operator (20)• For - cycle parameter (40)• While - cycle with the condition (30)Also in the future, the program gradually updated and added to the new list of educational tasks with solutions.Characteristic:• Very efficient, fast and with a good performance.• High speed search• Modern design (created based on Material Design)Possible applications:• Add to your favorites list;• Ckopirovaniya solution of the problem;• Share solutions of the problem;• Easily search;And most importantly the app does not require internet connection.You can send your suggestions, comments and legal issues associated with paved at this
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