Learn to tie knots (195+ knots) the fun and easy way from the creators of the webs #1 knot tying site. Animated Knots by Grog is simply the best, most comprehensive teaching & reference app for climbers, boaters, sailors, fishermen, scouts, arborists, search & rescue, surgeons and medical students, paracord enthusiasts & hobbyists.Over 195 Animated Knots tied step-by-step using rope, paracord or other material are organized by ACTIVITY CATEGORY & TYPE:ACTIVITY CATEGORY - Arborist Knots (28), Boating & Sailing Knots (32), Climbing Knots (22), Fishing Knots (31), Decorative Knots (24), Household knots (24), Decorative knots (24), Horse & Farm knots (21), Scouting knots (31), Search and Rescue knots (22), Neckties (5) knots & Surgical ligatures (11).TYPE - Basic knots (8), Bends (14), End loops (22), Hitches (35), Mats (4), Mid loops (11), Quick Release (10), Slide & Grip (13), Splices (15) & Stopper knots (10).Watch knots tie themselves in simple step-by-step image animations, or click frame-by-frame (at your own speed) as you learn to tie each knot - using the NORMAL or MIRROR orientation (great for left-handers). When viewing a knot, simply tap INFO (top right) to get detailed descriptions about each knots correct use, advantages & disadvantages, safety considerations, similar knots, alternatives, and other information.SEARCH for knots, view the complete knot list & save your FAVORITES for quick access."Better to know a knot and not need it, than need a knot and not know it."Google Play Reviews:"This app has been extremely helpful, and has made me the knot expert in our camping group. Very well done." — Grant Chandler"All around exactly what I was looking for and worth every penny." — Shannon HarderFixed bug: instructional text under animation has been restored.