AndroMinder simple To-do list & Task list by Talent Apps is the best simple To-do list app!Our droids will help you organize your life with to-do list, reminders and multimedia notes so youâll never forget a thing.â
Smart & simple To do list:AndroMinder is designed to keep you on top of your to do list and agenda with no hassle.Planning & organizing your tasks has never been easier.Super-fast interface - Create tasks quickly from anywhere in your phone or tablet.Personal Assistant Droid - Select one of our droids to help you accomplish your to do list tasks. Categories - Create personal task categories to arrange and sort your To do list tasks.Reminders - Easily set time or location reminders so youâll never miss another deadline.Multimedia Notes - Enrich your tasks with pictures, videos and audio recordings.Contact Attachments - Link any of your contacts to your To do list tasks.Homescreen Widgets - Add a task quickly and directly from your homescreen or take a glance at your to do list and agenda.Free - AndroMinder is free to use for Android users.PERSONALLY CUSTOMIZED CATEGORIESCustomize your to do list tasks, by creating personal tasks categoriessuch as "Work", "Urgent", "Personal", to help you arrange and sort your To do list tasks.PERSONALLY CUSTOMIZED REMINDERSCustomize your to do list tasks, by creating personal time or location reminders such as: "Tomorrow at 9:00am", "In 2 weeks", "When I leave home", "When I enter the office".Then use them in just a single click!MULTIMEDIA NOTESEnrich your to do list tasks by attaching pictures, videos and audio recordings.To help you remember everything, add visual and voice notes to your to do list tasks. CONTACTS ATTACHMENTSLink any of your contacts, friends, family members or work colleagues to your to do list tasks.FORGOTTEN TASKS REMINDERAdding tasks but keep forgetting about them? No worries!Our droids will remind you that you have tasks to accomplish in your simple To do list.MISSED CALLS REMINDERNever forget to call back friends, family members or work colleagues thanks to our missed call feature.It will automatically attach contacts to your task so you can call back or text them whenever you want.GROCERY LIST & SHOPPING LISTAndroMinder simple Task list is also great for creating grocery lists or shopping lists. Forgot to buy something? Need a reminder? Simply add it to your tasks.LIFE ORGANIZER & DAILY PLANNERAndroMinder is a to do list, a calendar, an inbox, a notepad, task list, a board for post its or sticky notes, a daily planner, a family organizer, and overall the simplest and most useful productivity tool you will ever have. Best of all â itâs free!- Android Pie (9.0) support- Bug fixes