it's fabulous
WYFF News 4 and weather at Google Play market analyse
Estimation application downloads and cost
it's fabulous
It's nice to have
I really like the news to go. When i cant hear it on the tv.
Frustrating!! What's with all the commercials? The weather radar doesn't update as frequently as people would like! If there's severe weather in my area, I would at least like to be ahead of it! Instead, this app runs 5-10 mins late, I've clocked it to be as much as 20 mins before an update! And I understand the commercials during the live feed..But if I'm watching the replay??And there's no way around it! Some people Really depend on this app to be as fast as it is accurate! Lives are at stake!
Tree down James cox rd Belton SC
Why does WYFF report more on what is happening in NC? The weather reporting is the same! This station is located in Greenville, SC, but you would never know it. Why would people in SC give two hoots about what's happening 1-4 hours away in NC?? If WYFF would include Pickens and Oconee counties they wouldn't have to look to NC for stories! Weather reporting is the same!!