Conference program for PGCon 2018PGCon is an annual conference for users and developers of PostgreSQL, a leading relational database, which just happens to be open source.https://www.pgcon.orgApp features:✓ View program by day and rooms (side by side)✓ Custom grid layout for smartphones (try landscape mode) and tablets✓ Read detailed descriptions (speaker names, start time, room name, links, ...) of events✓ Add events to favorites list✓ Export favorites list✓ Setup alarms for individual events✓ Add events to your personal calendar✓ Share a website link to an event✓ Keep track of program changes✓ Automatic program updates (configurable in settings)✓ Supported languages: English, German (Event descriptions excluded)💡 Questions regarding the content can only be answered by the content team of the PGCon. This app simply offers a way to consume and personalize the conference schedule.💣 Bug reports are very welcome. It would be awesome if you can describe how to reproduce the particular error. The issue tracker can be found here:🏆 The app is based on the EventSchedule app [1] for the anual congress of the Chaos Computer Club. The source code can be found on GitHub [2].[1] Schedule-App -[2] GitHub repository - and reviews are very welcome. 🌟 This is the currency of a free and open source project. 👍v.1.33.4+ First release for PGCon 2018.