Simply estimate your monthly budget!This application helps you manage your finances by allowing you to quickly define a standard monthly budget.★ You have three blocks. One for your incomes, one for your constraint spendings and one for other expenses. The difference between blocks 1 and 2 is your "left to live", the difference between blocks 1 and 2+3 represents your potential savings. The histogram of your 15 largest expenses is available, with the ability to filter between blocks 2 and 3. A colored gauge indicates how much of your incomes (block 1) you already have spent.★ For each item of income or expense, you can change the amount allocated for a month and / or the associated label, simply by touching the appropriate screen area. In addition, a check box allows you to select, at anytime, which categories are active or not.★ To enter numbers, simple formulas are available such as: 2500*0.78 or 500+(5000*.25)/12 etc★ All selected data is then exportable to PDF for printing or other use and to CSV for direct usage into a spreadsheet. In addition, this paid version allows you to import data from the free version.★ The total of all your expenditures is also estimated for a 12 months period in order to get an idea of the necessary amount of money required to live for one year.★ The choice of language, French or English, is possible, in order to force one or the other depending on your preference (overloading automatic detection). This is also the way to reset all categories label.✔ This application does not require internet access. Thank you for your comments, ratings and suggestions!► This is not an account management, in which you enter your expenses one by one, but a simple way to quickly define and estimate your total monthly budgetKeywords: budget, budgeting, monthly budgeting, finances, expenses, expenditures, savings, earnings, bank, account, wallet2.25: Better percentages accuracy, maximum value upped to 999992.24: Estimation of yearly expenses2.23: Widget, notification, titles modification is possible2.22: Language selection EN or FR; +cosmetic2.21: English translation; Monetary sign; Topic Holidays!