It didn't work
My Backup Pro at Google Play market analyse
Estimation application downloads and cost
v4.7.6- Fixed SMS/MMS restore on Android 10v4.7.4- Fixed intent redirection vulnerabilityv4.7.3- Fixed Google Drive issues and Misc fixes.v4.7.1- Fixed Google Drive and Dropbox.v4.7.0- Misc fixes for Android 10.v4.6.6- Fixed device id on some devices.- Misc fixes.v4.6.5-Fixed schedule backup on some Android devices.-Fixed restore apps on some Android devices.v4.6.4-Google API updates.v4.5.4-Misc fixes.
It didn't work
Been using it for years and swear by it. Easy to use, reliable, and does what it's supposed to. It's saved me on more occasions than I can remember and has faithfully stored contacts and other valuable data from phones long dead, data that Google didn't faithfully back up or restore. In comparison to the loss of data, the nearly in significant cost of the Pro version is just that, insignificant
I used this app to back up my android box. Paid 10.00+ CDN for it so figured it should be good. It backed up my apps I think but in the process it somehow dropped my TIVI Mate, my Cinema HD and a couple of other programs. Now I have to reload them and pick my favorites again because I have no idea where they are. This app is no good. Not worth paying for.
Needed this!
Having issues w/BUs to Google Drive. BU files fail to upload.
Extremely easy to use. Until My Backup pro phone back-ups were the bane of my life, invariably losing something...or in fact everything. The simple interface that this app offers makes it (almost, I'll no doubt find a way) impossible to not get it right. I know what, be it Applications & Media or Data, has gone where and can easily locate where 'where' is. Restoring one's phone is a simple as can be! The app and the phone get on with it seamlessly. Bravo y'all.