QMSH-Launcher for Android - a simple unified quick-mesh application launcher.This is a simple launcher for the quick-mesh suite of applications.You can use this program in place of a home-screen folder to provide a unified interface to the quick-mesh tool-chain and related resources.Note: this app is intended as a convenience for users of quick-mesh. You do not need to install this application in order to use quick-mesh - however you may find this app helpful.Note: this application should only be installed if you are using the QMSH Editor, the QMSH Kernel, QMSH Visual or QMSH Scripts-by-Codemine.SUMMARY OF KEY FEATURESLaunch-Editor: (Feature Depends on Quick-Mesh Editor)Launch-Kernel: (Feature Depends on Quick-Mesh Kernel)Launch-Visual: (Feature Depends on Quick-Mesh Visual)Launch-Scripts: (Feature Depends on Quick-Mesh Scripts-by-Codemine)