TechCalc+ is the "Swiss Army Knife" of Scientific Calculators ... 44 Calculation Options + a Scientific Reference Section + the Periodic Table of the Elements!Perfect for all aspects of scientific and engineering calculations in school, university and throughout your career. Why not download it now and give it a try?Modes included are:â
Basic Mode - Algebraic and Reverse Polish Notation (RPN),â
Scientific Mode - Algebraic and Reverse Polish Notation (RPN),â
64-bit Programmer Mode (Hex, Oct, Bin and Dec) - Algebraic and Reverse Polish Notation (RPN),â
Complex Numbers (cartesian, polar, using Eulers identity),â
Quick Formulas,â
Quick Converter,â
Time Calculator,â
Equation Solver,â
Calculus (Derivatives, Definite Integrals, Taylor Series, Indefinite Integrals & Limits)â
Financial+ the Periodic Table of Elements!Features include:â
All Trigonometric operations (radians, degrees or gradients)â
Powers & Rootsâ
Logs and Antilogsâ
Factorial, Modulus & Random Numbers functionsâ
HCF, LCM, Prime factorizationâ
Pol() & Rec() Functionsâ
Permutations (nPr) and Combinations (nCr)â
Fractions Modeâ
A wide range of conversion categories and constantsâ
20 Memory Registers in each of the calculation modesâ
Detailed calculation historyâ
Extensive Help and Referenceâ
Highly customizable via the SettingsThe reference section includes:â
Physical Lawsâ
Names in the Metric Systemâ
Mathematical Tablesâ
Elementary & Linear Algebraâ
Trigonometric Identitiesâ
Differentiation & Integration Rulesâ
Statistics Formulasâ
Vector Mathematicsâ
ASCII, IEEE 754, Fractional Bits, Roman Numeral & Number Base Convertersâ
pH, Interpolation, Body Mass Index (BMI), Percentage, Color, Proportion & Molecular Weight Calculatorsâ
Sigma & Pi Notationâ
Balancing Chemical Equationsâ
Statistics (Grouped Data)â
Numerical Sequencesâ
Humidity Calculationsâ
Boolean Algebra Calculatorâ
Empirical Formula Calculatorâ
Characteristics of an RLC Circuitâ
Feet and Inches Calculatorâ
Aspect Ratio Calculatorâ
Barometric Formula Calculatorâ
Linear Regression Analysis (Simple Linear Regression; Multiple Linear Regression)â
Bicycle Tire Pressure CalculatorPlease email any questions that are not answered in the Help section.ver 4.9.6:â
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