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[email protected]개발자 연락처 :주소: 경기도 성남시 분당구 대왕판교로644번길 12 (삼평동, 엔씨소프트판교R&D센터)문의 전화: 1566-7004사업자 등록 번호: 144-85-04244통신 판매 번호: 2013-경기성남-1268Enter the story dungeon! buffoon■ Instantly pay 100 free coins when logging in after installing the app for the first time!Meet the new Bufftoon in the app right now.You can use Bufftoon faster and more conveniently in the app.■ Various popular webtoons, web novels, and comics are updated every day!From 3,000 kinds of webtoons, web novels to cartoons, new stories visit you every day.■ Snipe my taste that I do not know! Smart AI work recommendationNC AI technology analyzes even the picture and recommends the perfect work for you.■ Free appreciation that does not dry out! Save time and get a free passWhat if you see a clock mark on your artwork? Save time and enjoy the work for free.If you clear the special Moamu mission, you will also receive additional coin draw benefits.■ NC game buff activates when you watch it! One Stone Two Birds Buff EventParticipate in special events with various NC games and receive generous gifts.=====※ If you have any questions or problems while using the Bufftoon app or service,If you contact us through the PLAYNC customer center (https://help.plaync.com), we will solve it quickly.※ Information on access rights- [Required] Storage space: Your devices storage space may be used for smooth content viewing.- [Optional] Phone: Can be used to check participation history when using the free charging station.※ Bufftoon was developed for Android 6.0 or higher. In versions below Android 6.0, a pop-up for the required access permission agreement may not be generated. If you want to check the details and proceed with the consent process, please use after upgrading to Android 6.0 or higher.Also, even if the operating system is upgraded, the access rights agreed to in the existing app do not change.----Developer Contact:NCsoftAddress: 12, Daewangpangyo-ro 644beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-doRepresentative: Taekjin KimCustomer service: 1600-0020Fax: 02-2186-3550Email:
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