Google is not rewarding any contributor and making a lot of money by using that information.
Crowdsource at Google Play market analyse
Estimation application downloads and cost
Google is not rewarding any contributor and making a lot of money by using that information.
I need a crowd source code #
Dear Google, it's embarrassing that you're using unqualified amateurs to do translations for free, which you then profit off of since many people need your free services. I'd rather pay for a decent software than use amateur made trash like Google. One day you'll bitterly regret not investing money properly into translation services because some other company will have beat you to it (which is probably already happening).
number내번호느램번개비오느랄번개82844430gumeeoppiabu내가 따로 이름을 올령주었다NiST
This is cool AF Great concept
Will you pay us?