Clock radio / Alarm clock / Player (including: Internet streamed radio stations)NEW VERSION 6.x- Now using ExoPlayer 2.7.3, Android Mediaplayer is only used for ringtones.- Rewritten MusicPlayer and AlarmPlayer- Improved notification handling- Removed permission READ_PHONE_STATE, now using AUDIO_FOCUS insteadUse your Android phone as an:- Alarm: Wake up to a song, artist, album, playlist or internet streamed radio. (for Internet streamed compatible formats, see: - Clock Radio: Time is displayed as your phones time settings (Changeable here: Program / Settings / Date & time)- Media player: Listen to the same tunes that you wake up to when you are awake- Easier to choose an radio station, Choose country and then the radio station.- Rewritten select alarm signal / player (song/artist/album/playlist/internet radio station)- Volume volume controll (As version 1.x, 2.x, 3.x/4.x or custom)- Stopwatch- Slide between screens- Handle Android 6.0 permissions[Will be added later - Timer (turn on: Menu / All settings / Tab choice / Timer)].This is the Pro version.A Free version with ads support is also available if you want to test the application for free first.Languages translated: English, Swedish, French, Spanish, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese (some with Google Translate).Please help me translate a new language or fix an already translated text.Go here and follow the instructions: bugs:- None that I known of. [Want to report a bug, see instructions below]- New version, please report bugs you find so i can fix them. [Send crash reports or Want to report a bug, see instructions below]If you find a bug, send an email to
[email protected] with the following:- How I can reproduce it- Your phones data (with model, resolution, Android version, language).- ThanksQuick manual:-------------Time tab:- Time, date, battery: Info for you- Alarm, alarm signal: Info (Go to Alarm tab to change)- Player signal: Press the name of the player signal to change signal- On/Off button: Plays selected player signal- Always on/Off in .. button: Short click will toggle between Always on and Off in ... Long click and you can set timeout for Off in .. model- Shuffle on/off: Can only be changed when player is off- Repeat on/off: Can only be changed when player is off- Prev/Next: Shows only when player is on and if more than 1 song is chosen- Volume: Does not show with small displays (Ex. ldpi(320x480), not enough space, use the menu instead)- Dimmer: Dim the screen to increase battery life, hold down 1 second to activate screen saver- Screensaver: Shows time, date, alarm, alarm signal and player signal.Alarm tab:- Customize an alarm: Long click on +(1),+(2),+(3),+(4) or use the menu Edit the default alarm (x) to see that your are in customize mode - instead of the time you will see the name (?) of the button you clicked- Add an alarm: Short click on +(1), +(2), +(3) or +(4)- Edit an alarm: Select from the list- Delete an alarm: Long click on an alarm from the list and select delete alarm or edit the alarm and press the Delete button.Latest version info is in News.Full version history is under All settings / About / Version history.Version 6.x is for Android 5.1 and later!Version 5.x is for Android 5.0 and later!Version 4.x is for Android 5.0 and later!Version 3.6.10 is for Android 4.0.3 - 4.4Version 2.3.1 is available for Android 2.2.0 - Fixed NullPointerException: onStopTrackingTouch6.3.0 Fixed IllegalStateException: StartScreenSaverListener.run6.2.0 Fixed IllegalStateException: db.alarm.AlarmDao_Impl6.1.4 Fixed RemoteServiceException: Context.startForegroundService() did not then call Service.startForeground6.1.3 Now using ExoPlayer Added android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE, requred for Android 9.0