クックパッド -みんなが作ってる料理レシピで、ご飯をおいしく at Google Play market analyse

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クックパッド -みんなが作ってる料理レシピで、ご飯をおいしく at Google Play market analyse

App power index: 100 (based on ranks around App Stores today)
Food & Drink
Developer: Cookpad Inc.
Price: 0 free
Current version:, last update: 7 months ago
First release : 28 Apr 2022
App size: 0 Bytes
4.0 ( 0 ratings )

Estimation application downloads and cost

> 2.2k
Monthly downloads
~ $ 900
Estimation App Cost

◆月次利用者数約5,600万人・掲載レシピ数365万品以上!日本最大の料理レシピ検索・投稿サービス「クックパッド」の公式アプリ。豊富なレシピのなかから料理名・食材・タグで検索できるのでどんなレシピも簡単に見つかります。■クックパッドアプリの特徴<毎日更新!新しいアイデアに出会える「トレンド」>「作るものが何も決まっていない」そんな時にオススメ!いま話題のタグから「作ってみたい!」が見つかります。<どんなレシピも見つかる「さがす」>お肉、お魚、お野菜、お弁当やお菓子、パンなどのカテゴリ、和食や中華などのジャンル、ハンバーグやカレーといった料理名や食材名から検索できて、どんなレシピも簡単に見つかります。また、実際にレシピを作ったみんなのおすすめポイントである「タグ」から検索できるようになりました!<あなただけの「きろく」が貯まる>またつくりたいレシピは手軽に記録!あなたの料理の楽しみが使うほどに貯まっていきます。<お家でつくりやすい!>日本中のみんなが投稿したレシピが365万品以上。普段の献立に使える簡単レシピから、本格派のこだわりレシピまで、作りやすくておいしいレシピがそろっています。<レシピ保存数は無制限!>気に入ったレシピは誰でも無制限に保存が可能になりました。使い込めばあなただけのレシピ帳のできあがり!■さらに便利に!プレミアムサービス・人気順検索:人気順でレシピが検索できる!・殿堂入りレシピ:つくれぽ1000人以上の殿堂レシピが分かる!・デイリーアクセス数ランキング:アクセス数TOPレシピを日替わり紹介・プレミアム献立:栄養士監修の栄養バッチリ献立が見れる!・専門家厳選レシピ:ダイエットや離乳食などプロ監修の目的別レシピ・保存したレシピ検索:たくさん保存したレシピも便利に検索!■こんな方におすすめ!・みんなが作っているレシピを知りたい・冷蔵庫の食材で作れるレシピを知りたい・時短でおいしい簡単料理を知りたい・節約しながら、家族が喜ぶ料理をつくりたい・もっとレパートリーを増やしたい・献立決めを楽にしたい・旬の食材をおいしく食べたい・毎日のお弁当おかずのマンネリを脱したい◆ Approximately 56 million monthly users and more than 3.65 million recipes posted!The official app of "Cookpad", Japans largest cooking recipe search and posting service.You can easily find any recipe because you can search by cooking name, ingredients, and tags from a wide variety of recipes. ■ Features of Cookpad App Recommended at such times when "what to make has not been decided"!You can find "I want to make it!" From the tag of the topic now.<"Search" to find any recipe>You can easily find any recipe by searching by categories such as meat, fish, vegetables, lunch boxes and sweets, bread, genres such as Japanese food and Chinese food, and cooking names and ingredient names such as hamburger and curry.In addition, you can now search from the "tag", which is a recommended point for everyone who actually made the recipe!Easily record the recipes you want to make!The more you enjoy cooking, the more you will accumulate.More than 3.65 million recipes posted by everyone in Japan.We have a wide range of easy-to-make and delicious recipes, from simple recipes that can be used for everyday menus to authentic recipes.Anyone can save an unlimited number of their favorite recipes.If you use it, you will have your own recipe book! ■ More convenient! Premium service ・ Search by popularity: You can search recipes by popularity!・ Recipes for the Hall of Fame: You can see the recipes for the Hall of Fame for more than 1000 people!・ Daily access number ranking: Daily access number TOP recipes are introduced daily・ Premium menu: You can see the nutritional menu supervised by a nutritionist!・ Recipes carefully selected by experts: Recipes according to the purpose of professional supervision such as diet and baby food-Search for saved recipes: Conveniently search for many saved recipes! ■ Recommended for people like this! ・ I want to know the recipes that everyone is making・ I want to know the recipe that can be made with the ingredients of the refrigerator・ I want to know simple dishes that are quick and delicious・ I want to cook food that makes my family happy while saving money・ I want to increase my repertoire・ I want to make menu decisions easier・ I want to eat seasonal ingredients deliciously・ I want to get rid of the rut of daily lunch box side dishes<v22.17>- 軽微な不具合を修正しました今後ともクックパッドアプリをよろしくお願いいたします。



very useful 😚


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