TMEditor functions as a free tool to allow the easy creation of map layouts. It is versatile enough to allow specifying more abstract things such as collision areas, enemy spawn positions, or power-up positions. It saves all of this data in a convenient, standardized .tmx format.How Does TMEditor Work?At its core, the design process of using TMEditor to create maps works by following these steps:1. Choose your map size and base tile size.2. Add tilesets from image(s).3. Place the tilesets on the map.4. Add any additional objects to represent something abstract.4. Save the map as a tmx file.5. Import the tmx file and interpret it for your game.Features- Orthogonal, Isometric orientation- Multiple tileset - Multiple object layers- Multi-layer editing: Provides eight layers so you can pack extra detail into your maps.- Custom properties for map, layers and objects- Editing tools: Stamp, Rectangle, Copy Paste- Tile flip- Undo and redo (at present only for tile and object mapping)- Objects supported: Rectangle, ellipse, point, polygon, polyline, text, image- Object on isometric map- Background image- Export to XML, CSV, Base64, Base64-Gzip, Base64-Zlib, PNG, Replica Island (level.bin)