Tell us When you are going to give us the Choice on what we read, No more BS about coming soon, Have the guts to tell us when.
Microsoft Start: News & more at Google Play market analyse
Estimation application downloads and cost
Tell us When you are going to give us the Choice on what we read, No more BS about coming soon, Have the guts to tell us when.
Sadequr Rahman
Ads are horrible: social abuse
The best of a bad lot it seems now that it fine as long as you only want news that Microsoft think you should see but make it hard to read on to subjects you choose. after a bit of uses I found that when you select to see fewer stores it just gives you the same article in a different in paper they need to fix there algorithm
Love the breaking news and various types of news.
consistently crashing
Despite the many replies from Microsoft saying they have fixed the notification not opening the article, mine still just opens the app onto the news feed.