Indonesian translation of the digital Al Quran equipped with Tajwid and Tafsir per verse. There is a choice of colored Tajwid and the font size of the Quran can be changed according to needs. This application is also equipped with prayer reminders, Qibla direction and also murottal mp3 audio with a wide selection of the most complete 30 juz qori voices.EXCELLENT FEATURES1. Tafsir and TranslationThe Al-Quran is equipped with an interpretation using the Tahlili method, as well as a translation by the Indonesian Ministry of Religion (Indonesian) and Tafsir Al-Jalalain2. Word TranslationCan activate the word by word translation feature in the Koran3. Murottal AudioListen to murottal audio offline with many choices of qori and qoriah4. Easy to ReadThe text of the Koran is easy to read with Rasm Indopak (Asia), Utsmani (Medina), and Kemenag (Indonesia), and there are options for changing font size, colored tajwid, and Latin writing.5. Display OptionsThere is a display selection feature based on surah, page, juz, and hizb, so it is easy for users to navigate.6. Interface & BookmarksEasy transfer of surahs, just by swiping the screen. Can save/bookmark Al-Quran verses without limitation7. Copy & ShareEasily copy & share Al-Quran verses on social media for various options (audio murottal, tafsir, and translation)8. SearchAl-Quran verses search feature. Search for words in tafsir and translation easily.9. Prayer Alarm & Qibla DirectionPrayer time alarm with call to prayer or notification sounds following the Shafii, Maliki, Hanbali and Hanafi schools of thought. And there is a feature to find out the Qibla direction based on your location.10. Complete SetupPersonalize the application according to the users wishesGENERAL FEATURESThis Al-Quran application is complete with Indonesian interpretation and translation, and is equipped with murottal mp3 audio for 114 surahs or 30 juz.This application is very suitable for those of you who often travel, but forget to bring the holy book Al-Quran. Apart from the Al-Quran text with translation, this application is also equipped with Latin (transliteration), especially for those of you who cannot read the Al-Quran.Can be read offline, small and light in size, and the display is responsive and user friendly. All features are free without restrictions.