📖 The Great Book of Shams Al-Din Al-Dhahabi 📖By Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Uthman bin Qaymaz al-Dhahabi, known as Shams al-Din al-DhahabiEnjoy reading the great sins book by Shams al-Din al-Dhahabi with the best application for books and stories without the Internet and many other featuresThe book of major sins includes a number of major sins and sins that a Muslim must avoid.This book is one of the comprehensive books that contain everything related to major sins, and what leads to them, as the book includes seventy major sins, in which the author mentioned all the hadiths and effects received from the Prophet, and the most famous stories of preaching and softening throughout the ages and what they are The things that lead to major sins, how to avoid them, and other indispensable topics, and he explains that one of the most obligatory duties of a Muslim who is keen to escape from God’s punishment is to know what the major sins are, especially in our present age in which sins have multiplied and their causes have varied, and their doors have opened and spread. Vice dealers and promoters of it everywhere, for this reason it was necessary for every Muslim man and woman to avoid major sinsAuthor:He is Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Uthman bin Qaymaz bin Abdullah al-Turkmani, of Faraqi origin, then of Damascene Shams al-Din al-Dhahabi, a scholar of hadeeth and a Hafiz imam. He combined two features that only the few ingenious people had together in our history, as he combines, in addition to the extensive knowledge of Islamic history, incidents and men, the extensive knowledge of the rules of wounding and amending men, so he alone was a self-contained school. Imam al-Dhahabi is one of the scholars who entered the field of history in the field of the Prophet’s hadith and its sciences, and this was evident in his great care for translations, which became the basis of many of his books and the focus of his historical thinking.❇️ Some reviews of al-Dhahabis book "The Big Sins" ❇️ ▪️Source of reviews: www.goodreads.com/book/show/6404208▪️A book read in one sitting. Plenty of benefit, great benefit.. How much we underestimated the sins of the great ones, and how much we neglected in matters that are among the greats. We ask God for forgiveness and forgiveness.Bookish DervishA very great and very important book for every Muslim, in which Imam Shams al-Din al-Dhahabi talked about the major sins in Islam and mentioned seventy-six major ones.Ahmed M. AbdullahA valuable book that talks about major sins in Islam, citing a large number of Quranic verses, noble hadiths, and sermons in an easy and orderly manner.HebaA wonderful and important book. Knowing the major sins is an important matter in the life of a Muslim. Through it, we know the things that we must avoid and not commit. Perhaps these major sins are known to us, but we do not count them. Judgment, but we are ignorant of the evidence.. Such a book is beautiful and helps the Muslim to avoid the prohibitions that God Almighty has forbidden.. Some places in the book felt that the evidence and martyrdom were weak compared to some areas in which martyrdom was inconclusive and convincing.Abdulrahman SaggafA wonderful book in which Imam Shams al-Din al-Dhahabi summarized 70 major sins with evidence from the Qur’an and Sunnah using easy-to-understand language. So his book came useful to preachers and preachers, a warning to the heedless and the confused.Meera❇️ chapters of al-Dhahabi’s book of major sins ❇️ Polytheismself killingMagicLeave the prayerWithholding zakatIftar on the day of Ramadan without excuseIn leaving Hajj with the ability to do itDisobedience to parentsAbandonment of relativesadulteryTen sodomyusuryEating the orphans money and oppressing himLying to God and His Messengerflee crawlingThe imam cheated the parishCapersPerjurydrinking winegamblingslander of immunitiesThe spoils of bootyStealingcut offDipping oathinjusticeMekasHaram eatingsuicideLying in most of his statementsBad judgeTaking bribes to ruleWomen are like men and vice versacuckold and pimpAnalyst and AnalystNot urinatingshowing offConcealment of knowledgeTreasonManandenial as muchListening to peoplestirrerLianTreachery and failure to fulfill the covenantAttestation of the priest and astrologerDisobeying a woman against her husbandPhotography in clothes and wallsSlapping and wailingprostituteelongation on the weakNeighbor harmharm to Muslimsharming the servants of GodIsbal the loincloth and the dressWearing silk and goldkeep the slaveSlaughter to other than GodWho claimed other than his fatherControversy, bitterness, and blasphemyPrevent water wasteLack of enough and cultivationSecurity from Gods deceptionleave the congregationLeaving Friday and congregational prayersDamage to the willCunning and deceitWho probed the MuslimsCurse one of the CompanionsWe are pleased with your suggestions and communication with
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