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App power index: 100 (based on ranks around App Stores today)
Maps & Navigation
Developer: COMATI PSG
Price: 0 free
Current version: 4.0, last update: 2 years ago
First release : 17 May 2016
App size: 1 Mb
4.6 ( 8576 ratings )

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> 2.2k
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~ $ 900
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Firma de transport persoane COMATI PSG , cu sediul in Timisoara, detine la ora actuala un parc cu autocare de inalta clasa, fiind specializata in transporturi internationale de calatorii pe liniile regulate Bucuresti – Stockholm, Bucuresti – Oslo, Bucuresti – Aalborg si Iasi - Aalborg. Companie cu experienta de 20 de ani in transportul de persoane si parc auto propriu, putem pune la dispozitia clientului curse regulate catre tarile nordice cu plecare din Romania.COMATI PSG isi extinde in fiecare an aria de acoperire astfel in 2011 a reusit sa transporte persoane din intreg teritoriul Romaniei catre Suedia si alte tari nordice. Comati PSG este astfel singura companie din Romania care realizeaza transport persoane cu autocare in Suedia, Danemarca si Norvegia.COMATI PSG presteaza servicii de transport persoane intern si international, cu autocare performante de 60 de locuri, avand preturi competitive pe piata.COMATI PSG, cea mai buna firma de transport persoane Norvegia,Danemarca si Suedia din Romania, se preocupa pentru confortul clientilor sai . Avand un interes major pentru promovarea utilizarii internetului in desfasurarea activitatii , firma noastra va intampina cu solutii inovative de rezervare , cumparare si efectuare retur a biletelor pentru transportul de persoane in tarile nordice. Scopul nostru este sa oferim clientilor servicii de tansport persoane de calitate , profesionale si variate. Secretul succesului sta în strategia de dezvoltare a firmei de transport persoane , precum si în munca depusa de echipa pentru a asigura ritmicitatea curselor, respectarea orelor de program, fidelizarea si respectarea calatorilor.COMATI PSG, se afla in topul firmelor de transport persoane spre Scandinavia din Romania, datorita parcului auto de inalta clasa, seriozitatii, profesionalismului si devotamentului echipei. Echipa tanara si dinamica, agentii si soferii nostrii detin experienta de peste 15 ani in domeniul transportului de persoane prezentand respect si incredere.Transport company people comatose PSG, based in Timisoara, has currently a fleet of buses for class, specializing in international transport journeys on regular lines Bucharest - Stockholm, Bucharest - Oslo, Bucharest - Aalborg and Iasi - Aalborg. Company with 20 years experience in passenger and its own car park, we provide the client with regular flights departing from Romania Nordic countries.PSG comatose expands coverage every year so in 2011 managed to transport people from throughout Romania to Sweden and the other Nordic countries. Comati PSG is the only company in Romania so that makes passenger coach in Sweden, Denmark and Norway.PSG Comat provides services and international passenger transport, with buses performance of 60 seats, with competitive prices on the market.Comat PSG, the best company passenger Norway, Denmark and Sweden in Romania, is concerned for the comfort of its customers. Having an interest in using the Internet to promote this activity, our company welcomes you with innovative solutions for booking, buying and making a return ticket for passenger transport in the Nordic countries. Our goal is to offer our customers quality services tansport people, professional and varied. The secret of success lies in the companys development strategy for passenger and the work of the team to ensure regularity races, respect for hours, retention and compliance travelers.PSG comatose, is among companies transport people to Scandinavia in Romania, due to the high class fleet, seriousness, professionalism and dedication of the team. Young and dynamic team, agents and our drivers possess over 15 years experience in the transport of people showing respect and trust.