airBaltic is working again! Thanks to the administration for whitelisting the app on the firewall service.Download your updated roster, confirm notifications and retrive your next flights crew list with just a few taps!This app is very useful for crew members during days on standby.Currently the app has been tested is confirmed to be working for the following companies:. Adria Airways (thank you Urban Demsar). Bulgaria Air. Garuda Indonesia (thank you Mr. Yogi Megawantoro). GOL - Linhas Aéreas. Transaero. TACA. Tunisair. Braathens Regional. Trans State Airlines (thank you Kostia Pol). Norwegian Airlines (thanks to Yves). Compass AIrlines (thanks to Mike Godfrey). Sunexpress (SXS and SXD) -PLEASE USE THE FREE VERSION-. LaudamotionIf the app is not working as expected please contact me at
[email protected] if your company is not in the list and uses the crewlink/netline platform to publish your roster, please contact me so I can add support.Requirements:- At least one app that can open pdf file (like Adobe Reader or similars) must be installed on your device.Features:- Download updated dutyplan.- View notification variations and confirm.- Date selection for dowloading older dutyplans.- Store username and password so you dont always have to type them every time.- Get the crew list of your next flight in just a tap!Fixed the bugs that were preventing opening the dutyplans and the showcrew in some cases.